Tuesday, September 11, 2007


How does the squiggly line look? I couldn't think of a title, so there you go!
First of all, miss you Mom! Lots of hugs and kisses from the fam. We can't wait to see you on Thursday. For everybody uninformed, Mom is back in the home state, so drop her a line during her stay if you can! As for us...well, we've been watching the all-new season 3 dvd of The Office (greatest show OF ALL TIME!) and reading plenty. I made another quiz on this book I read- Bella and Pyro will know it is Twilight, so take it if you dare! Things are finally cooling down, and I can wear long pants at last! That's probably a good thing, as I'm going to a retreat this weekend overnight. Wish me luck! And in the new poll, write in what you think is the best Halloween costume. AH...I can smell the hairspray already...


Anonymous said...

I got alice again, this time on your quiz. I voted deceased Harry potter cause I just kinda liked him better dead.... as long as I wasn't dead too, then he could be alive... you get the idea.
ps. I like my code name:)

Anonymous said...

thou must post more often, by the decree of the order of the Kaitlyn.