Monday, August 4, 2008


I recently had the pleasure, via Twilight Lexicon, to read a couple reviews that have been released regarding Breaking Dawn. (which, by the way, pwned all others) However, one review in particular held great intrigue for me.

"It might seem redundant to dismiss the fourth and final Twilight novel as escapist fantasy—but how else could anyone look at a romance about an ordinary, even clumsy teenager torn between a vampire and a werewolf, both of whom are willing to sacrifice their happiness for hers? Flaws and all, however, Meyer’s first three novels touched on something powerful in their weird refraction of our culture’s paradoxical messages about sex and sexuality. The conclusion is much thinner, despite its interminable length. Everygirl Bella achieves her wishes quickly (marriage and sex, in that order, are two, and becoming an immortal is another), and once she becomes a vampire it’s almost impossible to identify with her. But that’s not the main problem. Essentially, everyone gets everything they want, even if their desires necessitate an about-face in characterization or the messy introduction of some back story. Nobody has to renounce anything or suffer more than temporarily—in other words, grandeur is out. This isn’t about happy endings; it’s about gratification. A sign of the times? Ages 12–up. (Aug.)"

And so, I responded in kind. This is on right now.

"Are you really so desperate for publicity that you would just throw out such a plain, aimless review as the one I just had the displeasure to read? The crowning achievement of the series has been, in the tradition of authors such as David Eddings and Terry Brooks, breathing life into what most would consider sheer fantasies or monstrosities. The masterful way in which Meyer develops her fantasy world within our own is to be admired. But, as I said earlier, your motivations are anything but difficult to decipher. Short, so negative one would doubt the reviewer had ever touched a page in the first place, and lacking any depth whatsoever as to the multiple elements of storytelling and plot involved. Perhaps this is what you would have us think of "Breaking Dawn"? If so, you are doing a spectacular job of it. Please, return to your position when you can represent even a mediocre novel with some level of insight. "

And, following my given info, I am the "Director of Operations and Training, Sentax Pharmaceuticals".


I put the haters in their place. This is why I am amazing.

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